WISEs are social enterprises operating around Europe in different legislative frameworks and under different national specifies.  They also differ in terms of internal structure such as organizational culture, communication, personal development, and so forth. This section therefore aims to present some of these aspects as well as some good practices and projects which have an informative character that might be useful and serve as inspirational material

Introducing WISEs in Europe: Legislative framework, strategies, national specifics

PRESS project

Topic: “The social economy and the pattern of work integration social enterprises as a tool for work insertion of the disadvantaged” The aims of the PRESS project are to contribute to fight against poverty and social exclusion, with especially attention to the situation of disadvantaged women, Roma people and Roma women, and to promote the model and use of WISE to support their social and work inclusion. PRESS is a project funded by the Erasmus+ program, which allows organizations from different Member States of the European Un-ion, to discuss the topics of inclusion and ex-change their best practices with mutual enrichment.

R.E.S.P.E.C. - Rentabilité des entreprises sociales, prévision, emplois et compétences

The need for integrated strategies combining successful income support systems, inclusive labor markets and appropriate social services is crucial. The project is oriented on these bases by bringing together employment, skills and social exclusion. It is in FR/HUN/ESP

Work Integration Social Entrepreneurship in East-Central Europe Through Structual and Semiotic Transformation

The central question ad-dressed is how the structural and semi-otic contexts, seen from the perspective of the cultural political economy, of the selected post-communist societies of East-Central Europe (Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Poland) have affected the historical development and contemporary situation of social entre-preneurship focused on the integration of the disadvantaged social groups in the labour market (work integration social enterprises (WISEs)). Based on secondary data, surveys, semi-struc-tured interviews and focus groups with the stakeholders from the transnational project INNO WISEs, we identify both the communist and post-communist trans-formations as mostly unfavourable for WISE, while the crucial factor contribut-ing to their selection as a viable option after 2004 has been the external impact of the European Union-related structures and discourses.

Inside the WISEs: Organizational culture, personal development, communication

Training for trainers

Teaching material has been developed within the framework of “Jobcoach+” and it was first tested at UVEG in May 2017. Contains 3 modules: – MODULE 1. STRATEGIES FOR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE WORKPLACE – MODULE 2. COMMUNICATION – MODULE 3. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT IN WORK INTEGRATION ENTERPRISES

Enhancing performance of WISEs

Performance of work integration social enterprises in Croatia, Slovenia, and Italian regions of Lombardy and Trentino

This paper analyses objective and subjective social and economic performance of Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) in Croatia, Slovenia, and Italian regions of Lombardy and Trentino. More specifically, the main aim is to test: a) the consistency between subjective and objective performance of WISEs and b) the compatibility between their economic andsocial performance.

Design Thinking for the Greater Good: Innovation in the Social Sector

Learn more about how design thinking, a human-centered approach to problem solving, can help you truly understand an issue, generate ideas worth testing and iterate to find solutions that make a real difference. Through global stories from areas as diverse as government, health care, and education, the course will show you the tools, techniques and mind-set needed to use design thinking to uncover new and creative solutions in the social sector.

Social Value International

Has a large amount of resources, focusing on social impact measurement. There is a particular section on Social Value Tools and software available for measuring social impact. A small number of the software platforms are accredited by Social Value International, but they also list other platforms that have not been accredited.

Best practices of WISEs

The Autonomy of Paths: Best practices collections

The Autonomy Paths: Mutual Learning Seminar on accompaniment for social and work integration of disadvantaged people, in particular people with mental, physical and psychosocial disabilities in CEI countries.

How Social Enterprises Enhance Corporate Supply Chains

The course has a global relevance and the contributors were recorded at the 2018 Social Enterprise World Forum in Edinburgh (Scotland) involving leading proponents of corporate social partnerships from around the world. The course presenters describe their motivation for engagement, the processes of purchasing or supply and measuring and communicating the social impact. It is very interesting and had great webinars from around the world.


Comparativa ayudas

SPECIFIC AUTONOMIC CALLS FOR INTEGRATION ENTERPRISES OF 2017- update August 2018 Only available in Spanish.

Start your Social Enterprise

Set of guidelines and instructions on how to set up your own social enterprise and to address its needs. Topics such as : sales, marketing, branding, business plan and s forth are being analysed.